Git and libgit2

Evaluation Procedure For Git LFS Servers

Published 2025-01-06. Last modified 2025-01-11.
Time to read: 5 minutes.

This page is part of the git collection.

I have published 5 articles about the Git large file system (LFS). They are meant to be read in order.

  1. Git Large File System Overview
  2. Git LFS Client Installation
  3. Git LFS Server URLs
  4. Git LFS Filename Patterns & Tracking
  5. Git LFS Client Configuration & Commands
  6. Working With Git LFS
  7. Evaluation Procedure For Git LFS Servers

7 articles are still in process.

Instructions for typing along are given for Ubuntu and WSL/Ubuntu. If you have a Mac, most of this information should be helpful.

This Page Probably Contains Errors

This page is incomplete and may contain errors. It has been published to allow collaboration with fact-checkers. Not all of these scenarios might make sense to attempt to review. Do not rely on this information yet.

I evaluated several Git LFS servers. Scripts and procedures common to each evaluation are described in this article. This article concludes with a brief outline of the procedure followed for each of the Git LFS servers that I chose to evaluate.

The results of evaluating each server are documented in follow-on articles.

If you have an interest in running the same procedure on another Git LFS implementation, please use the scripts provided in this article and send me detailed results. My coordinates are on the front page of this website.

Evaluation Repository Creation Script

I wrote the following script to prepare a consistent testbed for any Git LFS server. The script creates a private git repository in your user account on GitHub. The commands in the script were discussed in Git LFS Filename Patterns & Tracking.

The script relies on the GitHub CLI. If you want to use this script, please install the GitHub CLI first. Be sure to initialize the GitHub CLI before you run the script. GitHub CLI initialization allows you to run authenticated remote git commands from a console.


function initialize {
  echo "Making a private repository on GitHub called $1"

  # Make the current directory into an empty git repository
  git init

  # Create a private git repository from the current directory
  gh repo create --private --source=. --remote=origin

  # Ensure the git lfs extension filters are defined, and the repo's pre commit hooks are installed.
  git lfs install

function help {
  if [ "$1" ]; then printf "$1\n\n"; fi
  echo "$(basename "$0") creates a standard git repository for testing Git LFS implementations.

Syntax: $(basename "$0") repo_name

The git repository called \"repo_name\" will be created under the \"\$work\" directory, which must exist.

function populate {
  echo "Creating"
  printf "# $1\nThis is a normal file.\n" >

  echo "Downloading"
  curl -o \

  echo "Downloading bunny.mp4"
  curl -o bunny.mp4 \

if [ -z "$1" ]; then help "Error: Please provide the name of the test repository."; fi

if [ -z "$work" ]; then help "Error: the \"\$work\" directory is undefined."; fi

if [ -d "$work/$1" ]; then
  echo "Error: the directory \"\$work\" already exists."
  exit 2

# Create the directory for the new git repository
echo "Creating '$(pwd)'"
mkdir "$work/$1"
cd "$work/$1" || exit

initialize "$1"
populate "$1"

echo "All done. You should create the .lfsconfig file now by running the following commands:"
cat <<EOF
cd "$1"
git config -f .lfsconfig lfs.url \\
         ───────┬───── ─┬─ ──┬─── ───┬───
                │       │    │       └ The name of your project
                │       │    └ Your organization name
                │       └ Must be "api"
                └ The host name and port of your LSF server

Save the create_lfs_eval_repo script into a directory on your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin/, then make it executable:

$  chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/create_lfs_eval_repo

You will see this script in action when the Git LFS servers are evaluated in the follow-on articles.


Ready For Content

The repository is now ready for content; large files as well as small files.

Many websites show examples of how to work with Git LFS by tracking small files. This is quicker and easier than testing with files over 100 MB, which can be slow and consumes a lot of storage space.

Testing with small files will avoid most of the practical details that evaluation is intended to surface. Furthermore, you should also see what happens when your LFS storage exceeds 1 GB, and what happens when you attempt to commit more than 2 GB of content in a single commit.

If you follow along with the instructions I give in the evaluations, large files will actually be used, non-trivial amounts of LFS storage will be used, and practical issues will probably arise. This is the motivation for performing evaluations, after all.

Give Me Data!

We need test data to ensure that Git LFS is functioning correctly. A minimum of 2 GB of binary files larger than 100 GB is required.

For convenience, I wrote a script called git_lfs_test_data that downloads test data from several sources into the current directory.


function download {
  if [ -f "$2" ]; then
    echo "$2 has already been downloaded"
  echo "Downloading $2"
  curl \
    -o "$2" \
    --progress-bar \
    --retry 5 \
    --retry-all-errors \


for name in "${NAMES[@]}"; do
  download "$name"


printf "\nAll done!\n"
printf "Here is a list of downloaded files and sizes, ordered by size.\n"
printf "The first line shows the total size of all the files.\n\n"
du -ah | sort -hr | sed s^./^^

Save the script in a directory on your PATH, such as /usr/local/bin/, and make it executable:

mslinn@gojira ~ $ chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/git_lfs_test_data

About The Test Data

The script downloads 10 files, ranging in size from 102 MB to 398 MB. The downloaded files have filetypes that include avi, m4v, mov, mp4, ogg and zip. These files are suitably licensed for testing purposes.

Big Buck Bunny is a set of CC BY 3.0 licensed videos that are free to share and adapt. These videos are renderings of a single original video, provided in a variety of formats and resolutions. The original video is a comedy about a fat rabbit taking revenge on three irritating rodents. The script downloads some Big Buck Bunny videos for use as large file content for evaluating Git LFS servers.

The script also downloads one large zip file from each of the following:

  1. Project Gutenberg
  2. Large Text Compression Benchmark
  3. NYC Taxi Data as provided by

Using git_lfs_test_data

It takes several minutes to download them all. I suggest you save these files in a directory, and copy them to your Git LFS test directory as required.

Here is an example of how to use the git_lfs_test_data script. I stored the files in a new directory called ~/git_lfs_test_data on my local server gojira. The follow-on articles reference this directory, accessed via ssh. Scroll to the end of the output to see the test data that we now have available to work with.

mslinn@gojira ~ $ mkdir ~/git_lfs_test_data
mslinn@gojira ~ $ cd ~/git_lfs_test_data
mslinn@gojira ~ $ git_lfs_test_data Downloading BigBuckBunny_640x360.m4v ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading big_buck_bunny_480p_h264.avi ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading big_buck_bunny_480p_stereo.avi ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.ogg ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading ###################################################### 100.0% Downloading ###################################################### 100.0% All done! Here is a list of downloaded files and sizes, ordered by size. The first line shows the total size of all the files. 2.0G . 398M 308M 272M big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.avi 200M 188M big_buck_bunny_720p_stereo.ogg 160M big_buck_bunny_480p_stereo.ogg 154M 150M big_buck_bunny_480p_stereo.avi 116M BigBuckBunny_640x360.m4v 102M

The filetypes of these large files are: avi, m4v, mov, ogg, and zip.

Git LFS Evaluation Procedure

Each of the next several articles is dedicated to the evaluation of a specific Git LFS server. The evaluation process was as follows:

  1. The Git LFS server was installed.
  2. Potential Git LFS server configuration was considered, and any relevant activities were performed.
  3. The create_lfs_eval_repo script was used to create the evaluation repository. This script uses test data provided by the git_lfs_test_data script and stored in ~/git_lfs_test_data.
  4. The Git LFS Server URL was saved into an appropriately crafted .lfsconfig file for the Git LFS server being evaluated.
  5. Big and small files were committed, updated, deleted and renamed. Various queries were run (which?).
  6. The repository was cloned to another machine with a properly configured git client. Various queries were run (which?).
  7. Changes were made on the second git client machine, committed, and retrieved from the first client machine. Various queries were run (which?).
  8. The repository was deleted. Any remaining garbage on the file system was noted.

Scenarios Considered

The following scenarios were considered for this evaluation.
Reviewers: I am most interested in your feedback about the value, relevance and feasibility of the scenarios. Please let me know of additional scenarios that might be of interest, along with suggested use cases.

No Git LFS Server

Scenario Git Server Git LFS Protocol Use Cases
1 None (bare repo) Local (Samba)
  • Requires Samba
  • External access is not required
  • Provides ultra security
  • Supports ultra-large files
  • Simple setup if Samba is already set up
2 None (bare repo) SSH
  • Does not require Samba
  • Can provide strong security
  • Supports ultra-large files
  • Supports external access
  • Setup can be simple or complex
3 GitHub Local (Samba)
  • Requires Samba
  • External access is not required
  • Supports ultra-large files
  • Simplest setup if Samba is already set up
4 GitHub SSH
  • Does not require Samba
  • Can provide strong security
  • Supports ultra-large files
  • Supports external access
  • Setup can be simple or complex
5 GitHub http
  • Requires DNS setup
  • Requires a web server on the internal network
  • The gateway provides the only security; no other authentication is possible when accessing the internal network
  • Supports external access

Git LFS Test Server

Provides its own web server, which supports http and https. No other protocols are supported.

Scenario Git Server Git LFS Protocol Use Cases
6 None (bare repo) http
  • Supports high security
  • Supports ultra-large files
  • Provides its own web server
  • No authentication desired for internal network
  • Routable network traffic desired
7 GitHub http
  • Provides its own web server
  • No authentication desired for internal network
  • Routable network traffic desired


Scenario Git Server Git LFS Protocol Use Cases
8 None (bare repo) local (Samba)
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup where Samba is already in place
  • Routable network traffic not desired
9 None (bare repo) SSH
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup without Samba
10 GitHub local (Samba)
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup where Samba is already in place
  • Routable network traffic not desired
11 GitHub SSH
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup without Samba
12 GitHub http
  • No authentication desired; gateway provides the only security
  • Routable network traffic desired


Scenario Git Server Git LFS Protocol Use Cases
13 None (bare repo) local (Samba)
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup where Samba is already in place
14 None (bare repo) SSH
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup without Samba
15 GitHub local (Samba)
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup where Samba is already in place
16 GitHub SSH
  • Ultra security
  • ultra-large files
  • Simple setup without Samba
17 GitHub http
  • No authentication desired; gateway provides the only security
  • Routable network traffic desired

I have published 5 articles about the Git large file system (LFS). They are meant to be read in order.

  1. Git Large File System Overview
  2. Git LFS Client Installation
  3. Git LFS Server URLs
  4. Git LFS Filename Patterns & Tracking
  5. Git LFS Client Configuration & Commands
  6. Working With Git LFS
  7. Evaluation Procedure For Git LFS Servers

7 articles are still in process.

Instructions for typing along are given for Ubuntu and WSL/Ubuntu. If you have a Mac, most of this information should be helpful.

* indicates a required field.

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