Mike Slinn


Published 2023-11-26.
Time to read: 1 minutes.

This page is part of the av_studio collection.

In order to know where to trim video using my MediaTrim program, I needed a video player that could move forward and backwards through a video in small increments, even frame-by-frame.

Very few programs can do that. VLC cannot. Windows video players cannot. DJV can!

DJV is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. This article discusses how I invoke the Windows version from WSL.

Update Path

The djv installation program does not put djv on the PATH. To do that, open a cmd shell with administrator privileges by pressing Windows-R, typing cmd, then pressing CTRL-Shift-Enter. Now type:

Cmd With Administrator Privilege
C:\>setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files\DJV2\bin"

The modified path is not available on the existing console. Close it and open another instance with normal privileges. You should now be able to operate djv from the command line.

WSL Alias

To run djv from the WSL command line, add the following to ~/.bash_aliases:

alias djv='cmd.exe /c "C:\\Program Files\\DJV2\\bin\\djv.com"'

Load the modified ~/.bash_aliases by typing:

$ source ~/.bash_aliases

DJV Help Message

If you followed the above steps, then you should be able to type the following into a WSL bash shell, a Windows cmd shell with normal privilege, and PowerShell with normal privilege.

Bash Shell or Cmd With Normal Privilege
$ djv -h
djv is an application for the viewing and playback of images and image sequences.
djv [input]... [option, ...]
Inputs can be files or file sequences. If the auto-detect file sequences setting is enabled, files will automatically be expanded to file sequences. File sequences can be specified with either frame numbers (e.g., render.0001-1000.exr), or '#' wildcards (e.g., render.####.exr).
-maya Maya command-line compatibility.
Window Options
-full_screen Enable full screen mode.
-full_screen_monitor (number) Set the full screen monitor.
OCIO Options
-ocio_config (.ocio file name) Set the OCIO configuration.
-ocio_display (name) Set the OCIO display color space.
-ocio_view (name) Set the OCIO view color space.
-ocio_image (name) Set the OCIO image color space.
Playback Options
-speed (value) Set the playback speed.
-in_out (value) (value) Set the playback in and out points. The values are given in either timecode or frames, based on the time units settings.
-frame (value) Set the current frame. The value is given in either timecode or frames, based on the time units settings.
UI Options
-init_settings Initialize all settings to default values.
General Options
-time_units Set the time units. Options: "Timecode", "Frames". Current value: "Timecode".
-log_console Print the log to the console.
-version Print the version and exit.
-help, --help, -h Print this message and exit.
* indicates a required field.

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