Mike Slinn / Personal Pages
BONNIE III - Non-Contact Nuclear Boiler InspectionIn 1988 Ontario Hydro mounted ultrasound transducers on the 'fingers' of a robotic arm. The disk from a nuclear reactor's boiler was rotated, and the quality of the surface of the boiler was determined by a custom signal processing system. I reported to David Hutchins, who co-authored an IEEE paper on the inspection technique. I was contracted to write the display software using a programmable Pepper Pro video board. This gave us the ultimate in speed, since the video card's processor was more powerful than the 80386 used in the Compaq. The language I used was C. Here are some pictures we took at the end of the project. You can see the three giant fingers of the robot arm gripping the boiler disk: This is a closeup of the robotic hand around the disk: This is what the hand looked like all by itself: Here is a view of the console, manned by an Ontario Hydro employee: Three-dimensional images were returned by the ultrasound transducers. I programmed a customizable palette so surface defects could be observed easily. The images could be zoomed in and out: This shows the same image at a higher magnification: Still the same image at a higher magnification: I provided the ability to view the data in black and white: |
Copyright 1994- Michael Slinn.
All rights reserved.